Tom Galanis
Managing Director, First Look Games & TAG Media

November 11, 2020 | Sarah Blackburn

Our long term industry colleague and friend Tom Galanis is an interesting character already, but we wanted to know more, so we asked him…

Day to day role
Running two businesses is hectic and my roles at First Look Games and TAG Media do differ so it’s difficult to be guided by routine. For both companies, I am in charge of developing new commercial relationships and handling all of the corporate & business administration. I’m a marketer at heart though, so I make sure that a good part of my day is spent drumming up new ways in which to grow & optimise our game studio partners’ presence in the B2B space, as well as working with the product team at First Look Games to drive innovation for our users & partners to enjoy and benefit from as we seek to raise standards across the industry. Whilst I’ve been doing it for over 15 years now, I still get to keep my feet wet when it comes to building & running affiliate relationships through our work at both TAG Media and First Look Games… which is both fun and important as I train over 20 affiliate managers each year

Police, camera, action!
My guilty pleasure is watching police chases in the US

What a load of Hogwarts!
I have never read or watched Harry Potter

What happens in…
I do really, really, really like Las Vegas… I’ve been over 20 times now and have stayed in 14 hotels across the city (if you need any recommendations), but it’s been over a year since I was last there and that SUCKS!