Jake Agius
Digital Marketing Manager, Stakelogic

December 1, 2020 | Sarah Blackburn

Stakelogic’s digital marketing expert is Jake Agius. We grabbed 5 minutes out of his busy schedule to find out a little more about his role and his 3 interesting facts…

Day to day role
As a Digital Marketing Manager my role is primarily to strategise and execute digital marketing campaigns for several social media channels including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube & other digital channels. Along with that, I also develop and manage our websites & content which includes conceiving and creating videos, infographics, and case-studies for advertising, configuring landing pages and paid media campaigns. All this is wrapped off with collecting data and working & reporting on traffic, rankings, and other SEO aspects whilst also managing our external marketing partners!

If you’re going to dream….dream big !
I like to call myself a Realistic Optimist for the simple reason that I dream big, but always have a plan to achieve those goals

CSI Malta
My dream job when I was young was to become a Forensic Scientist, that is until I had chemistry in high school and was very quick to change lanes into I.T, which led me into web design, then discovered SEO and kept specialising in all things digital

Next big goal
I am a competitive person by nature, which includes being competitive with myself. In fact my next big goal is to become a CMO by 30. This came about when I met my previous CMO who had managed to do it by 32 and I clearly remember saying to myself “I’ll do it by 30” and has been the driving force behind my little career success ever since!