Steven Roman
Marketing Coordinator, Real Dealer

January 1, 2021 | Sarah Blackburn

Did you know that under the Old Town of Tallinn is a labyrinth of 17th century tunnels. During WWII these were used as bomb shelters, but they were not widely known about to visitors until 2010 when 380 metres of tunnels were opened to the public.

One man that is sure to know this is Steven Roman, Real Dealer Studio’s Marketing Coordinator because when we put Steven under the SpotlightOn, we discovered that he’s written not just one, but two travel guides on his adopted home town.

Find out more about Steven’s most stressful career choice and why you need to buy your own popcorn at the cinema.

Day to day role
I spend a lot of my time communicating with our studio’s graphic designers, video editors and sales team to push our game marketing materials through production. When I have a chance to catch my breath I also work on press releases and social media.

Fun facts:
1. My oddest (and most stressful) job was running a shoe store in downtown Moscow.
2. I’ve written two travel guides to my adopted hometown of Tallinn, Estonia.
3. It’s best to keep me away from the popcorn at movie nights – I’ll devour the whole supply in seconds.