Sarah Jones
Graphic Artist, Live 5

February 1, 2021 | Sarah Blackburn

Sarah Jones, the multi-talented designer from Live 5 tells us more about her role at the UK based game developer and why siblings can be the cruellest of them all…

Day to day role
Day to day I would find time to play our work in progress games and feedback to the developers on how the game is so far whether anything has been missed or needs improving on. In the meantime I also work up the graphics for next games ahead of the developers which involves concepting the look and style of new games. I throw my examples to the rest of the art team and gather feedback on points of improvement and we all work together to try and get the best out of the artwork we can.

I also do animation in Spine and After effects, working these two programs together to get the sleekest animations possible.

Mischievous colleagues
I have three furry helpers at my WFH office. Two cats and a Quaker parrot. Mishaps have happened with cats jumping on the keyboard and resuming my music whilst on call.

Childs play
Growing up my brother and his friends called me ‘Chucky’ after the chucky doll because as a kid I looked like the evil doll.

I got into digital art because of my love for video games. I enjoyed sharing my artworks on social media and eventually landed a job as a digital artist woo.

Artist trope
I drink a lot of tea tea>coffee