Annie Osborne
CCO, Xace

March 8, 2021 | Sarah Blackburn

It has been big news in the industry this month that Annie Osborne has been appointed as the new CCO at Xace. We grabbed 5 minutes with Annie to talk about her new role and her multicultural upbringing.

Day to day role
I’m Xace’s Chief Commercial Officer responsible for shaping & executing our commercial sales & marketing strategies. This also includes product development & customer experience and I report directly to Xace CEO David Hodkinson.

Keep on moving…
I was born in London but grew up in Harare, Zimbabwe with an adventurous childhood surrounded by nature and the great outdoors. I moved to Madrid, Spain as a young adult where I started my career in payments at American Express. I’ve been back in London about 6 years now & I definitely miss the sunshine.

A bit of a linguist
I’m trilingual and speak Spanish, Portuguese & English, with a bizarre accent that can’t make up its mind. It always has people stumped and they usually think I’m Irish! I’m also considering learning another language….. perhaps Maltese?

I am the cliché maths geek turned Excel obsessive, a comic book & Star Wars fanatic & absolutely terrible at ALL sports.