Shalva Bukia
Product Director, Spribe

March 3, 2021 | Sarah Blackburn

We talk to Shalva Bukia, Product Director about his role at Spribe, his love of food and his dedication to April Fools day!

Day to day role
I’m responsible for developing new and encasing our current products. It’s mostly research work, since our products go through many iterations before release. In Spribe, we have horizontal management structure, so on the final look of the product is a result of collaboration of many different team members.

I’ll have everything on the menu
I was co-founder of a meal ordering service: we had our own kitchen and delivery platform. Our chef was always busy coming up with new meals for our customers and as a part of the process he was offering them to the management team for approval. Soon I was rejected from the “trying team”, because my only verdict on every meal was “Perfect, let’s add this to the menu”. Turns out my food taste is not sophisticated enough.

Next level April fool
I’m dead serious about April’s fools day. Once I faked a wedding! We have fooled everyone: even our closest friends who were wedding witnesses. My fake wife even created very real looking document that was signed in the hall of the registry office.

To do a to do list
I have very specific hobby: trying out new to-do list apps. I think I have used every app there is and always watching the market for new ones.