Playstar Casino & Fast Track join forces for ‘unparalleled experiences’

May 17, 2024 | Sarah Blackburn

Playstar Casino is an online casino that is icensed and operates exclusively in the US state of New Jersey, and through this deal will look to enhance player engagement through the use of AI.

Fast Track will be able to offer a solution through AI, machine learning and real-time data insights, to help Playstar Casino to streamline operations and improve player engagement.

Playstar Casino CMO Jon Bowden said: “At Playstar, the player experience is paramount. Fast Track was the obvious choice for us due to their commitment to supporting our growth goals.

“We’re keen to automate the bulk of our strategy and work with the most advanced technology for personalisation and modeling.”

Fast Track Managing Director Americas Jean-Luc Ferrière added: “It’s always exciting for us to partner with an operator so dedicated to offering an unparalleled player experience. The team is very keen to start collaborating with Playstar to help them achieve and exceed their business objectives.”

This partnership follows on from last week when Fast Track and Altenar entered into a strategic deal surrounding player engagement and the general customer experience, with Fast Track integrating its technologies with Altenar’s Player Account Management (PAM) tools.